About Tea waste or Refused Tea

  • Refused tea generated from black tea manufacturing process mainly at winnowing, color separation and fiber mat process steps. This is largely fiber component from mature tea leaves. During tea plucking if mature leaves picked that will add more fibre. Though it is from mature leaves it has contributed in good tea made

  • How the Waste is managed in Sri Lanka (Current Situation)

  • Refused teas are controlled by the SLTB which required recordings and accounting. Percenetage of refused tea is permitted to sell for approved buyers to use for reprocessing.
  • Balance is used for the land filling as manure

  • What we can do ?

    REDUCE :

  • Should not pick mature leaves. It is a production waste as tea industry is a energy intensive industry. Cost per made tea is going up due to this.
  • Plantation level awarenss controls are required. To address this some extent of activites are implemented. But when

    REUSE :
  • Waste can be used  as fuel in the cooking and industry Need to minimize the carbon emission to the atmosphere

  • Extraction - Producing liquid concatenated export market
  • Properly dispose in the right bin where garbages are sorted and classified.

  • Business Opportunities

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