About Glassware

  • In Domestic, we use so much of glass bottels and other glass items, and so many grocery items including beverages are kept in glass, and also crushed bottels left and add to landfill.

  • How the Waste is managed in Sri Lanka (Current Situation)

  • In Sri Lanka, there are separate local vendors who buy glasswear for recycling but there are only limited access to the rural areas.

  • What we can do ?

    REDUCE :

  • Through Education limit the buying of glass container and bottels and suggest to avoid to use of glassware for packaging of some of some of some of the foos or other products.

    REUSE :
  • We can use some of the glassware Eg.Bottels.
  • In Decoration or reuse them for regular activities without buying new items Eg. Flower vass.

  • Recycle them to make new glass items or crushed and reuse them for construction purpose, as a building materials and use of floor decoration

  • Business Opportunities

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