SYstem of Rice Intensification


A draft implemetation frame for introducing system of rice intensificatuon environment friendly and climate smart agriculture   

Technical Specialist waste managent


My future goal is to develop and scale a comprehensive waste management business model. The importance of this model lies in its potential to address the growing challenges within our existing service model, which has now reached its maximum capacity. Currently, the total waste generation in the country amounts to 10,000 metric tons per day, yet only 3,600 metric tons are being collected. This leaves a significant gap in waste management, with over 6,000 metric tons unaccounted for daily.

The only viable solution to manage this surplus effectively is through the implementation of a robust business model. By transitioning from a purely service-based approach to a business-oriented framework, we can enhance efficiency, incentivize waste reduction and recycling, and create sustainable economic opportunities. My aim is to introduce and promote this business model across the country, ensuring that we can manage waste more effectively, reduce environmental impact, and support livelihood development through innovative waste management practices.

Food & Garden Related Solutions

Fisheries Industries waste Fisheries Industries waste processing of fish Products as well as removing of materials or equipment used in the fishing.  More Coconut Fiber/Coir Coconut Fiber or Coir Machines are used to cocopeat – Root development of planets Coconut husks are defibrant mechanism to cre More Food Waste Food Waste Mainly food waste is […]


Glassware we use so much of glass bottels and other glass items, and so many grocery items including beverages are kept in glass, and also crushed bottels left and add to landfill. More

Industry Garbage

Industry Garbage & Pollution It is mainly focuses on transportation, Garbage and Industry pollution. How the Waste is managed in Sri Lanka (Current Situation) Very Poor Management in Sri Lanka Very big problem of fuel management and available.  More

E – Waste

Single Use Batteries Single Use Batteries Single use batteries such as alkaline, Button Cell, Silver-oxide battery ,zinc carbon batteries are used in electronic devices and watches, clocks, flashlights, toys etc. More

Plastic & Polythene

Laminated Packaging It can range from food packaging to consumer product packaging including households, hotels and commercial center More Shopping or Grocery Bags We usually go shopping every week to buy stuff for day to day need that generate considerable number of shopping bags almost every week. More Polythene Bags Air-tight container for the House […]