About Fisheries Industries waste

  • processing of fish Products as well as removing of materials or equipment used in the fishing. According to reliable sources 4MT of waste generated daily at Colombo. Around 2.7million people are involved in this industry. 485000 tons for annum.

  • How the Waste is managed in Sri Lanka (Current Situation)

  • Dumping
  • Sending to the process for making by products in some other fields like Dry Fish Production

  • What we can do ?

    REDUCE :

  • Storing in a proper way to mitigate lossess and waste .

    REUSE :
  • Using for the animal feed because increasing demand od animal feed in Sri Lanka.
  • Liquid Fertilizer making through waste.
  • Can produce fertilizer for plants
  • Producing Fish oil

  • Added value for the product mechanization process that are applying at the present context
  • Fish oil - omega 3 substituion and import from foreign countries

  • Business Opportunities

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