About Industry Garbage

  • It is mainly focuses on transportation, Garbage and Industry pollution.

  • How the Waste is managed in Sri Lanka (Current Situation)

  • Very Poor Management in Sri Lanka
  • Very big problem of fuel management and available.

  • What we can do ?

    REDUCE :

  • Unnecessary vehicle should be reduced from Sri Lanka.
  • Road traffic should be organized well.

    REUSE :
  • Garbage is very big problem in Sri Lanka
  • Compost development program should be immediately started.
  • We will give knowledge for people
  • We can reuse as bo gas and composting

  • Industry pollutions are very big and major problem for us. That garbage, chemicle and other unnecessary parts recycle method should be introduced to the industry.
  • Industry should be encouraged to recycling, reprocessing and reuse. Organic waste especially those are decomposable.

  • Business Opportunities

    Useful Links