About Single Use Batteries

  • Single use batteries such as alkaline, Button Cell, Silver-oxide battery ,zinc carbon batteries are used in electronic devices and watches, clocks, flashlights, toys etc.

  • How the Waste is managed in Sri Lanka (Current Situation)

  • There are no proper means of managing the waste of such batteries, get into Municiple Solid Waste, and it still has the hazardous upto some extent.

  • What we can do ?

    REDUCE :

  • Minimize the usage of electronic devices such as. reminders, clocks by replacing them with the Mobile apps
  • Use Multiple use rechargeable batteries.
  • Use direct Power supply whenever possible

  • The Manufacturers or vendors should buy back these waste for the small fee and components of used batteries can be reused to manufacture new batteries.

  • Reusing and Recycling of materials from the used batteries such as steel, shell, brass pin, carbon ethinode
  • Steels can be used to produce new battery shells, kitchenware,cups,plate and other materials